Side Shift Steering Most stable 3S car chassis will change cars forever
Safest vehicles ever side shift mass center synchronous with steering according to Human Life Centered Design
State-of-the-art protections for people in cars, such as airbags, traction controls, ABS brakes, etc. are activated only after the occurrence of the incidents. The innovative 3S car is the safest, because it preemptively balances the car with steering-kinematics as soon as it enters the turns. Our 3S innovations are synergistic. They simultaneously provide not only radical technical advantages, but through them also the strongest marketing advantage - driving safety and reducing accidents.
Full patent documentary download HERE
Balancing cars while they turn, by
physically shifting the center of gravity of the car to the center of
the turn at the same time as the steering wheel -
this is a worldwide
patent innovation according to the official statement from the Patent
Authority, which you can download HERE.
3S chassis sketches download HERE
Radically new Bulgarian technology for side shifting in turns (SIDE
SHIFT STEERING) significantly reduces car drifting in turns and while
This worldwide patent
innovation has dual use. Military vehicles and unmanned ground
drones have turrets for machine guns, cannons, missiles, radars and the
like, which greatly increase the center of gravity.
3S innovation gives not only radical technical advantages, but at
the same time the strongest marketing advantage - driving safety and
reducing accidents.
3S innovation gives not only radical technical advantages, but at the
same time the strongest marketing advantage - driving safety and
reducing accidents.
A short project description download HERE
That is why they are markedly unstable. Our innovative technology is
mechanical and applicable to all wheeled vehicles. It is kinematically
integrated with the steering and acts preventively. Even with a turn of
the steering wheel, when entering said turns, including on the spot, the
car moves to the center of the turn laterally, against the centrifugal
inertial force. Thus it balances with its own mass.
Our innovative solution is suitable for increasing the stability of
electric cars, because their own mass is greater, due to copper being
used instead of steel in the motors and inverters, and especially
because of their batteries. For all cars with a
higher center of gravity, it is recommended to use a developed
innovative steering system, according to another of our world firsts.
You can download
the official statement from the Patent Office HERE
Full patent documentary download HERE
See other current innovations for zero-emission processes at
Videos of patent implementations of the 3S integrated chassis with steering
Six are the key
advantages of the 3S car:
A. It is produced exclusively according to Bulgarian world innovations
B. There is obviously the highest safety for people and road traffic
because the chassis-integrated steering system works proactively without
and with power steering.
C. It is produced with existing inexpensive materials and technologies
in available production workshops with basic machine-building equipment
for making the chassis, which is unique and clearly identifies the
country of origin.
D. Due to the above three advantages and local labor, the cost of the
project is not high
D. Because of p.A, p.B,
p.C and p.D, the car
has clearly strong innovative, technical and market advantages, which
allows it to be sold at a high profit without increasing the final price
and quickly returns the investments made.
E. The car is eligible for a customer subsidy. In Romania, the subsidy
is now 10,000 euros. The planned cost of the car is lower than the
Charging of the batteries of electric cars, regardless of whether they are in the cars or they are convertible, is done by passively water-cooled reflector boosted photovoltaics, through moisture absorbers installed in special cassettes on the reverse side of the photovoltaics. Such charge reversal stations are used as buffers of the energy system. This technical solution is a world patent innovation since 2024. You can download the official expertise of the Patent Office HERE
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